Finding a job can be a stressful experience for both job seekers and employees. With financial pressures on both sides, urgency to fill roles by employers and urgency to find work for job seekers, it's easy to make an incorrect hiring or a bad career decision.
That's why finding the right fit is so important. Not only do you need to match skills and credentials, but also explore the right personalities for a role. The cost of getting it wrong could be more than you think. And not just financially.
When an employer and employee just don't fit, it can have a huge effect on staff morale and productivity. When a disengaged employee isn't pulling their weight, then it's often left to other employees to pick up the slack, causing a negative impact on the workforce as a whole.
We spoke to some of our job seekers and employers about what the 'right fit' really means and what matters most to them when finding the right person for the right role. Here's some of the top tips we took away.
Building relationships
"Having a relationship and being able to identify their strongest skills helps with getting the right fit."
It's not about crunching numbers and filling quotas. At Mylestones Employment we invest time and energy building relationships with our employers and our job seekers to ensure that, when it comes to matching someone to a role, our Job Development Officers (JDOs) are well placed with the knowledge to pick the correct candidate.
Know your job seekers
"For us, having a JDO who knows the job seeker is a great thing. They can ask some of the questions and will know a bit more about what's going on outside of work. Candidates won't necessarily communicate that to an employer, so JDOs help us to understand and find out as much as possible about job seekers."
At Mylestones Employment we focus on making the right choice through personalised conversations and getting to know every piece of the puzzle before we make a referral. Getting to know our job seekers is key.
"My JDO talked to me and listened to me. They gave me guidance and encouragement through regular phone calls."
For both employers and job seekers, communication is a vital tool in successful recruitment. It is not only important to understand how each are feeling about the role and their progress, but also to adapt, make changes and understand each other's expectations. Without regular two-way communication, building a positive working environment is impossible.
Empowering job seekers
"When I got an interview through another provider I didn't have interview clothes. When I told them they told me to go to lifeline to buy what I could. I thought I was confident but I didn't get the job. At Mylestones Employment my JDO took me shopping for interview clothes and that's where I got the 'powerful red shirt'. I went to the job interview feeling confident and powerful and I walked away with the job.
"Before joining Mylestones Employment I'd seen no results. I wasn't feeling valued and I had no confidence. But with Mylestones I felt like someone cares about me and how I can achieve my goals. I wasn't a number any more. The support was amazing."
Whether it's helping to choose an interview outfit, support to build skills through a new course or helping to make adjustments in the workplace, empowering job seekers can make a huge difference. Our work with our job seekers and employers doesn't just stop when someone gets a job.
We continue to work alongside them to ensure the working environment is right. This might be helping an employer to get the workplace ready by making simple modifications, providing specialised equipment or tailoring the way different tasks are carried out.
Trained and experienced employees
An employment provider is only ever as good as its staff, which is why we invest so much time into searching for the right employees. Our JDO's work with our clients every step of the way to achieve the very best outcomes and ensure employers aren't missing out on skilled workers.
Whether you're an employer looking to fill the gap or a job seeker seeking an exciting new opportunity, call 1300 635 627 or send us an online enquiry to learn more today!