Every year, we strive to make (and keep!) New Year's resolutions. It's important to remember that these resolutions don't need to only be about quitting, avoiding and getting rid of the “bad” things.
The new year is the perfect time to set goals for things you want to start doing, like learning new skills or finding a job that makes you happy. And they don't have to move mountains, it can be as simple as getting up 10 minutes earlier every day.
So, why should we be goal setting? Well, it's crucial for getting what you want! Plus, it gives you direction for the future (near or far) and can help you to feel more in control and motivated.
But it's no secret that being proactive and staying positive can be a challenge some times. That's why we've put together a few tips for setting and achieving your goals for 2019.
1. Be S.M.A.R.T – When thinking of goals for yourself, be Specific, make sure they are Measurable, Achievable and Realistic, and set a Timely deadline.
2. Variety - Choose some short term and long term goals. Think about what you'd like to achieve by the end of January, June and December. Choose goals that are small and big – that way when you achieve smaller ones, you're more motivated to achieve the bigger ones.
3. Think about the ‘why' – Write down the reasons why you want to achieve these goals, for example to feel accomplished, earn money, or build your career. This a great reminder along the way for why you are doing what you're doing, and will hopefully motivate you to keep going.
4. Talk about it – Tell your friends and family about your goals and keep them updated along the way. Talking about goals can help you to brainstorm how to achieve them, plus it keeps them fresh in your mind. You can also tell people what your deadline is to keep you accountable.
5. Action! – Thinking about your goals is great, but you also need to take action in order to achieve them. Try to do something every day to work towards your goals; even if it's something tiny, you are still making progress.
We want you to get off to a great start this year and keep your goals right at the front of your mind. Hopefully these tips get you thinking about what you really want to get out of 2019.
Let us know what you think, and if you have any other helpful tips or tricks for goal setting or staying motivated, we'd love to hear them! Contact us here.